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2018 Theo Bakker (photo by Petra Bakker-Pijn)

Welcome to the personal scientific website of Prof. Theo C. M. Bakker, University of Bonn, Germany. It gives an overview of my research and publications, emphasizing my work on sticklebacks during the past 35 years.

New cover image for Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
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We (Rebeca Rosengaus, James Traniello and Theo Bakker) just published the introduction to the Topical Collection “Sociality and Disease“ in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. The coronavirus pandemic provide a timely illustration of the importance of basic and applied socioecoimmunological research from a broad phylogenetic perspective. The TC, which contains 15 papers, provides a timely focus on the bidirectional dynamics between social hosts and their pathogens in a diverse array of invertebrate and vertebrate clades. 

Starting with the January issue, BES has a new cover image.


The brittle star Ophiocoma echinata lacks a central nervous system but is capable of associative learning.

See Notar JC, Go MC, Johnsen S (2023) Behav Ecol Sociobiol 77:126.

Photo credit: Julia Notar.


The image represents the current Topical Collection on “Toward a Cognitive Ecology of Invertebrates” - Guest Editors: Aurore Avarguès-Weber and Mathieu Lihoreau

James Traniello and I wrote an editorial on the restricted use of ChatGPT and other GenAI models in preparing manuscripts.

Exorcising the ghost in the computer: ChatGPT, science publishing,

and GenAI policy for Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Sociality and disease: behavioral perspectives in ecological and evolutionary immunology


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